God has chosen to give Himself to mankind.
He gives Himself through His Son Jesus Christ.
He has chosen to give His name to mankind.
God has offered His glory to every person.
He and His glory are indescribable and inexpressible.
If someone receives Him and walks with Him while they are on the earth, they will live forever.
God has chosen to give Himself in totality to every person, forever.
He has chosen to give every person the totality of all that they are.
He has chosen to believe in every person, more than they can comprehend.
There is one choice He cannot and will not make for a person: the choice to believe in Him.

Jesus Christ is Lord.
He is the Son of God and the Lord God Almighty.
Those who know Him have eternal life, which is knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent (John 17:3).
They believe in Him through His Son Jesus. They also believe in the name of Jesus Christ.
If they continue on with Jesus, they will live forever.
Outside of Jesus, there is nothing.
Apart from Jesus, someone can do nothing.
Without Jesus, someone has nothing. Even if they gain the whole world, they possess nothing.
Without Jesus, a person is spiritually dead. If they die without Jesus Christ, they go to eternal death.
Eternal life continues forever in heaven, a place of absolute glory.
Heaven is God’s home, full of the glorious splendor of His majesty and infinitely more.
Those who know Jesus as Lord have the divine nature and life of God.
They have the supernatural, abundant, zoe life.
They have the Almighty God living in and through them – and all around them.
Those who know Jesus can accomplish things that will last forever. They can store up treasures in heaven, They can do even greater things than Jesus did.
Eternal death continues forever in hell, the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.


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Jesus loves
Jesus saves
Jesus heals
Jesus delivers
Jesus redeems
Jesus invites
Jesus gives
Jesus gives eternal life
The Father and Jesus give the Kingdom
Jesus gives Himself
Jesus blesses
Jesus helps and comforts
Jesus speaks
Jesus teaches
Jesus leads
Jesus reveals
Jesus reveals Himself
Jesus baptizes
Jesus anoints
Jesus sets free
Jesus prays
Jesus intercedes
Jesus hides
Jesus exalts
Jesus promises
Jesus rewards
Jesus knocks on the door of Your heart
Jesus offers fellowship
Jesus reigns
Jesus is alive, forever