The Feasts of Israel, Part 2, featuring Teacher Jeff Adams; the Feasts Reveal Jesus Christ. Amen!

Jeff is the regional representative for Operation Exodus, a ministry that assists Jewish people from around the world in immigrating to Israel, fulfilling last days prophesies. Their website is: Jeff is an anointed teacher of the word of God and is an expert regarding the Feasts of Israel and their importance to us today.

Jesus Revealed in the Seven Feasts of Israel

The seven Feasts of Israel occurred in three feast seasons. They are in Leviticus 23. Many thanks to Jeff for teaching on the W&R Podcast this week, in the series about the Holy Spirit and ongoing series “The Glory of the Lord.”

Three feast seasons

Passover: The first three feasts are grouped together and occur in the spring, during eight days. They are: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits.

Feast of Weeks: called “Weeks,” or Pentecost, occurred 50 days later, at the beginning of summer. Later, Weeks became known as Pentecost, meaning “fifty.”

Tabernacles: The last three feasts are grouped together and occurred in the fall season, during 21 days. They are: Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles.

The Seven Feasts

Unleavened Bread
Pentecost (Weeks)

The first four feasts were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Trumpets will be fulfilled in Him at the Second Coming.
Atonement will be fulfilled when Israel shall be saved.
Tabernacles will be fulfilled in the thousand-year reign of Jesus when He dwells among His people.

The Feasts: Observed, Fulfilled and Applied

The Feasts were observed in Israel.
They are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
They are applied in every believer.

The Eternal Meaning of the Seven Feasts

Passover – salvation
Unleavened Bread – deliverance from sin
Firstfruits – new life in Christ
Pentecost (Weeks) – the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Trumpets – we are waiting for this; when corruption shall put on incorruption
Atonement – sanctification and perfection
Tabernacles – reigning with Jesus for a thousand years on earth

Unleavened Bread – deliverance from sin
Firstfruits – new life in Christ
Pentecost (Weeks) – the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Trumpets – we are waiting for this; when corruption shall put on incorruption
Atonement – sanctification and perfection
Tabernacles – reigning with Jesus for a thousand years on earth