Jesus Hides

Some examples in the gospels of Jesus hiding in His teachings and interactions with His disciples and the public:

1. He taught in parables (explained in Matthew 13).
2. He taught in metaphors.
3. He taught in allegories.
4. He did not say publicly He was God.
5. He did not say publicly He was the Christ.
6. He told His disciples not to tell anyone He was the Christ:
“Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ” (Matthew 16:20).
7. He told one person, a woman, a Samaritan, in private, that He is the Christ (John 4:4-26).
8. His hid on the Road to Emmaus.
9. He hid during the miraculous event when He walked on the water.
Jesus spoke about hiding:
10. He said “Your Father who is in the secret place . . .” (Matthew 6:6).
11. He said, ““I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes” (Matthew 11:25).
12. He said the kingdom is “like treasure hidden in a field . . .” (Matthew 13:44).

Treasure Hidden in a Field

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44).

Jesus reveals in this parable: heaven, the presence of God and the anointing – and infinitely more.
Summary with keys to knowing God and His presence and glory:
1. The kingdom of heaven is a treasure: the presence of God and His glory is a priceless treasure, beyond any comparison.
2. The treasure was hidden in a field: God hides.
3. A man found it: a person must seek God and find Him.
4. It was one man seeking a treasure: we have the privilege of a personal, private relationship with God. To know Him and find His presence and glory, a person must have that private relationship.
5. The man hid the treasure: when someone finds His presence, they will want to keep it and protect it.
6. The treasure brings joy: the presence of Jesus Christ brings joy unspeakable and full of glory.
7. He sold everything he had and bought the field: When someone experiences God’s presence and glory, they will only want Him.
8. The man now owns the field with the treasure: he secured the treasure for himself (Amplified version).